Which Countries Have The Most English Speakers


If I tell you the truth then you must believe that the United States of America is indeed the world’s largest English speaking Country. It has been estimated that about 225 millions american speak english and consider it to be their first language, whereas 43 million people speak English as their second language. If I give you the total number of English speakers that would be around 268 million which makes united states of america, a country with the largest number of English speaking populations. These numbers are increasing with the each day passing.


The second position has been secured by India which is also considered the largest democracy in the world. Indian come next on the list, with 125 million English speakers. However, we would like to tell you that only 226,449 of those speak it as a first language. For the rest, it’s definitely a second language. However, it has been seen that whatever number of Indian speak English, they usually mix Hindi with English and actually they speak Hinglish. India is the second most populous country in the world. Hence, due to globalization, it has been speculated by the year 2040 almost half of the population of india will be using English as the second language. India is getting more inclined towards international market as the IT and pharmaceutical sectors are booming in India. Hence, English has become a first choice in India. However, number of users who speak English as the second language would surely be increased.


Are you little taken aback by hearing this? But this is the truth. English language is considered to be one of Pakistan’s official languages, along with Urdu. Albeit, its also true that nobody in Pakistan really speaks English as a first language, the Urdu language has always been their preferred choice. It has been estimated to be around around 49% of the total population do speak English as a second language. As per 49%, the number can reach out to almost 94,321,604 English speakers. Pakistan is one of the countries where people do realize how important English is for them in terms of connecting them to the western civilization.


The Philippines is indeed globally recognized as one of the largest English-speaking nations that has a majority of its population having at least some degree of fluency in the language. Philippines has two official languages the first one is Filipino and English is considered to be the second official language and is spoken by more than 14 million Filipinos.

As I said that this country has two official languages, and only around 37,000 Filipinos speak English as a first language. However, a little over 92% of the population can speak it as a second language. Out of the latest Filipino population, it has been recently estimated that there are 90 million English speakers in the island nation.


Have you ever made it thought about why so many sales emails come from Nigeria, as opposed to Kenya or Zimbabwe? Well, there indeed are a lot of reasons, but English has definitely been one of them. You may not believe but there are around 53% of the population (79 million people) can speak English in Nigeria. This ratio can be increased in the years to come. Nigerian govt is getting inclined towards promoting English in the syllabus of their student.


You must be astonished as to how a country like United Kingdom where 98% of people speak English as a first language can be at last. Well, the reason behind it is small size. The UK has 59.6 million speakers owing to its relatively small population and that’s what makes them 6th in this list. If you are also seeking to learn English then search on google as the best English learning institute in Mumbai India. Join the best English learning coaching center today and became proficient in English.

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