Top 5 Reasons Why It Is Important To Learn Arabic Now

The Arabic language is one of the oldest Semitic languages. It is a thousand-year-old language which has known over the centuries an important influence to become one of the most spoken languages ​​in the world. The Arabic language is fascinating in more ways than one, both by its history and its specificities, by its charm and its beauty.

The reasons for learning Arabic can be many and varied, your goals can be both personal and professional. As with all languages ​​known to be demanding, your motivation will be at the heart of learning and will offer you a unique opportunity to learn a new language, but also to use your thinking and memorization skills.

Through this article we will see together 5 reasons to learn the Arabic language in order to nourish your ambition and motivate you to learn this unique language.

1. The Arabic Language Among The 5 Most Spoken Languages ​​In The World

4th language in the world by its number of speakers (more than 400 million), it is the common language of the 22 countries of the Arab League and the second by the geographical extension of its use (60 different countries).

Before Islam, the tribes originating from the Arabian Peninsula each spoke a distinct dialect but understood by all. These dialects were slightly different from the Arabic found in the Quran. “Al-Fusha” or “the most eloquent” Arabic is, according to Muslim tradition, the dialect of Mecca. For modern linguists, the Arabic called “Al-Fusha” is originally a common variety used for poetry, public speaking and Quranic revelation. In the 8th century, classical Arabic was theorized by the grammarians of the time, basing their description on poetry, the Arabic of the Koran and the dialect of the Bedouins. This Arabic is the language of scholars and scholars, considered a prestigious language and the language of choice in their writings.

2. The Arabic language is one of the 6 official languages ​​of the United Nations

Since December 18, 1973, the Arabic language has become one of the 6 official languages ​​of the UN with English, French, Russian, Chinese and Spanish. Being an official language within the UN means that a delegate can express himself in each of his languages, and that his remarks will be translated simultaneously into all the others. In 2010, International Language Days were introduced to celebrate the multilingualism and diversity of the United Nations. For the Arabic language, the date of December 18 was chosen to commemorate its recognition as an official language by the General Assembly.

Moreover, a study published in May 2016 conducted by Kai Chan for INSEAD, shows that the Arabic language is the 5th most influential language in the world. By studying 5 factors of opportunity offered by languages: communication, learning, economic contribution, information and diplomatic contribution, thus making it possible to establish a top 10 of the most influential languages ​​in the world.

So, learn Arabic in Mumbai. You can enroll the best Arabic institute in Mumbai to learn advanced Arabic.

3. The Arabic Language Is Today An Undeniable Professional Asset

As said before the Arabic language is spoken by more than 400 million people around the world, including 22 forming the Arab league. Several of these countries, located in Africa and the Middle East, have a rapidly growing economy, and according to a report by the British Council published in 2017, the Arabic language would be the 4th language of the future, due in particular to a market of enthusiastic and growing consumers.

Indeed, several states in the Middle East are wealthy and are now trying to make their economy prosper by attracting tourists, investors and skills. The most obvious example being the awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, which is a strong message to make tourism (in addition to the many investments made beforehand) flourish and de facto their economy. All these factors also lead to an amplification of the demand for content in the Arabic language in order to meet these needs for foreign companies, but also diplomatic needs.

With Arabic language classes in Mumbai or Arabic language courses in Mumbai, you improve your speaking and listening skill.

4. Arabic An Important Scientific Language Throughout History

Between the 8th and 15th centuries, the Arab sciences developed from one end of the Arab-Muslim Empire to the other. They experienced their golden age between the 8th and the middle of the 12th century, this boom first saw the light of day in Damascus under the last Umayyads and then in Baghdad during the Abbasids.

The scholars of the Arab-Muslim empire, whether Jews, Christians, Muslims or of Arab, Persian, Andalusian or Berber origin, took over from the Byzantines in innovation and scientific research between 750 and 1100. The latter had an undeniable impact on mathematics, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, or even the human sciences such as philosophy, geography, sociology, etc.

5. Arabic Is A Language Carrying Several Great Cultures

Between the 7th and 13th centuries, the Arab world radiated and became one of the main centers of civilization (with the Chinese empire of Tang and Song). The advance and domination of the Arab Empire at that time were important in several areas: economy, agriculture, industry, crafts, trade but also culture.

The Arabic language is a way to discover a whole cultural section that dominated the Middle Ages. Indeed, learning this language will open the doors to Arabic literature and poetry for you, including the “first masterpiece” of the time: Kalila and Dimna, an adaptation in Arabic by Ibn Al-Muqaffa, of the Persian version of Indian fables. It is also important to note the new genres brought by Arabic literature: the epistle, the short story (risala), the sessions (maqamat) a mixture of reality and fiction around a central character.


To conclude, it is quite surprising that the Arabic language, a language of considerable weight, appears in the last rank of international languages ​​by the diffusion of its teaching, this paradoxical situation constitutes one of the main challenges of the years to come. So attend Arabic classes or Arabic courses to learn this beautiful language and explore the Arab countries.

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