Hyoujungo is the standard Japanese language taught in schools, while Kyoutsugo is the language used in everyday conversation. Mastering both types of Japanese is not difficult. Just like learning any other language, practice is the key to successful Japanese learning.

You don’t need to worry, in this article, there are 14 simple and easy ways for beginners to learn Japanese. Come on!

1. Learn Basic Japanese Words

It would be nice if you want to start learning Japanese, however, you must first learn the basic words. You can learn basic words that are often spoken in everyday life such as hi, hello, self-introduction, good night, morning and afternoon, and others. Then the next step you try to learn how to write numbers in Japanese, pronouns in Japanese, and greetings in Japanese.

2. Make A Schedule

Everything is possible with regular efforts and practice. Therefore you have to make a weekly schedule for learning Japanese so that later you will get used to it. You can also attend Japanese courses or Japanese classes to keep your learning effective.

3. Practice And Repeat

Effective learning is done by practicing what we have learned. For example, if you are learning Japanese vocabulary, then you should practice it verbally. If these tips continue to be done regularly, your language fluency will increase. You can also attend

4. Learn Hiragana And Katakana

Hiragana and Katakana letters are important parts that must be learned so that you are able to master basic Japanese words.

There are 46 letters in each of the Hiragana and Katakana letters. If you want to keep remembering these letters, then you should do as much training as possible.

Then buy a table paper that contains the letters Hiragana and Katakana. After that, you paste the paper in a place that is easily accessible by sight so that it is easy to remember.

5. Learn The Grammar

The language contained in the grammar or grammar is always different. You are advised to study Japanese grammar to master Japanese in formal activities. You can also attend the Japanese language classes in Mumbai or Japanese language courses in Mumbai to strong your grammar.

6. Cultivate Curiosity

If you are a fan of watching anime without dubbing and Japanese TV series, then you will automatically find vocabulary that is difficult and incomprehensible.So immediately do a search about the vocabulary. You can find it using Google Translate.

7. Find Books That Suit Your Way Of Learning

The next tip is in the selection of books. It is very important to learn Japanese. Many books have different forms and contents. However, it is recommended that you choose a book that is easy for you to understand. Japanese language books have several sections, including books specifically for learning letters, grammar books, and exercise books. You are advised to buy all three books in order to master them all.

8. Add Japanese To Your Daily Routine

You can paste the Japanese vocabulary table into the room area. If you are a fan of anime, manga (Japanese comics), and Japanese songs, you can use this as a daily lesson. You can listen to the vocabulary in anime or songs so that your Japanese language skills will improve.

9. Practice Speaking And Listening As Much As Possible

You will master Japanese more fluently if you apply it in your daily life. You can do it at home, for example, by imitating the dialogue in a Japanese drama series or anime. Through Japanese classes in Mumbai and Japanese courses in Mumbai, you can make your skills better.

10. Write Japanese Sentences

Writing is a way of reflecting the brain to keep remembering what is already known. Therefore, you can use these tips for learning Japanese you memorize faster. This writing method is considered very effective for beginners. If you write then you will automatically recite it first before you finally write. So that it can help speed up the learning process in order to understand it faster.

Many people say Japanese is difficult to learn. However, in reality, Japanese is one of the favorite languages ​​that many people around the world want to learn. So, learn Japanese in Mumbai today and make your learning fun and effective.

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