Reasons Why Learning English Is So Important

It has been widely accepted that language is the main source of our communication which enables us to share ideas with others. In the current era, you will see how imperative it has now become for everyone to learn English language

“English language is the most universal language in history, way more than the Latin of Julius Caesar. It’s the most wonderful language because its vocabulary has a certain critical mass that makes a lingo good for punning.” Richard Lederer.

Many countries have already begun to include English courses in their school syllabus. They lay emphasis more on teaching English to their children from a younger age. 

In this article, we will learn about the importance of English language.

1. English is a global language: English is considered to be of the most spoken languages in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English. With more than 350 million people around the world speaking English as a first language and more than 430 million speaking it as a second language. This is the reason why English is considered as a global language. In other words, you can say that English is an international common tongue. English language is a second language for those whose native language is not English.

2. It comes in handy when traveling: English can be your most trusted ally when you travel any country in the world. If you know English, it simply obviates the need of you to be heavily dependent on your tour guides. Knowing English will open many doors and a myriad of opportunities for you to explore independently and creatively. This is the reason why English is considered to be the most important and useful language to know when you travel.

3. In Business: English is the most essential language if you want to work in international business or commerce. English is the international common tongue which means if two people are coming from different countries usually use English as a common language to communicate. You can’t deny the fact that in the current era, English has become so much important that if you don’t know it, you can’t then stand a chance to get in touch on an international level.

4. English also opens new career opportunities: The world has witnessed how English has become so much important in the global job market where myriads of new positions are being rapidly created for bilingual people. By learning English, you could become a translator, a language teacher, or an English marketing professional for a global company. That’s not all, in order to do a job more efficiently, your skills will always be measured by the corporate leaders and English will always be at top of the list of parameters. English is the first need for a variety of jobs such as an air hostess, pilot, travel guide, media manager, etc. Today the entire information system is in English which makes English the language of technology and the internet. 

5. In Education: English broadens the mindset of students. Most of the students belong to a country where English is not spoken or English language is not their native language. They learn English for being able to get higher education abroad. For studying in foreign countries or surviving in foreign countries learning English is very much essential. English gives access to students to the content which is not available in their native language and English speaking classes helps students to get updated with the latest trends and technologies of the current time. The current time demands you to be bilingual if you really want to survive in foreign countries and study there with ease. If you wish to study Law, then learning English will be your prerequisite as all law books have been written in English language only. That’s not all, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Software Engineering, etc., English will be essential. 


The reasons listed above are just a few of the many that you might consider while considering the value of English learning. Aside from being practical, English can provide a lot of satisfaction: realizing that you can advance, although slowly but gradually, will make you feel terrific.

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