4 Reasons English Students Never Learn To Speak English Fluently

We generally see that many English students, despite having keen interest in learning English, complain that they are unable to speak English fluently. They give multiple excuses like there is no good teacher, or their English book is too easy, or even that the language itself is too hard.

I say this is absolutely “Absurd”! If you are able to speak in your mother tongue, then it can’t be a strident challenge for you to speak in any other language. So stop making excuses! So if you want to be unstoppable in your goal to speak in English fluently then you really have to understand first what can possibly hold you back and then prepare to extricate yourself from that mess. Let’s discuss the reasons that restrain you from speaking fluently in English.

Reason #1: No certain time for learning English

It has been seen that many students express their great desire to learn English and then express themselves fluently in English, but they never do. They think they will be able to speak fluently in English once they learn it. However, it is not as easy as it may sound. English requires practice and this can’t be so fast. Fluency in English speaking cannot be achieved by midnight. However, this is also important for you to set aside time to study English. When you are passionate about speaking in English fluently, you are not supposed to make excuses and procrastinate.

Many people think they will get to it when they find the appropriate time, but that time actually never comes. They believe that they don’t have enough time for this and they again indulge for hours watching people on the TV speaking fluently in English and imagining what it be like to speak in English like them. But if you really want to speak fluently in English, you must come out of your comfort zone. It’s not like you once do the study and then other days you don’t. You have to make the plan for your schedules and then stick to the plan. You must get into the habit of studying English and mastering the language.

So, learn English in Mumbai by joining the best English spoken institute in Mumbai. The trainers will help you and streamline your learning process. Although English language courses in Mumbai is good choice you can go through.

Reason #2: They have no idea what to study?

The other issue that arises with English learning students failing to learn English is that they have no idea what to study. Despite having their bookshelves loaded with English books, English workbooks, English CDs, English programs, English DVDs, English websites, they don’t know what to study.

Top of that, when they sit to study they simply get overwhelmed. Then they get into a situation where they don’t know where to start. In this instance, they search more material on Google and buy more of it. Whereas, what they really need is to focus on the material and make the best use of them in their language learning process.

There is no wonder learning English is easy so attend English classes in Mumbai to learn everything right from Grammar to vocabulary. English courses in Mumbai providing by the best sources will help you learning language on the go.

Reason #3: What they are learning is not in their practice.

The reason behind English learners failing to speak fluently in English is the lack of practice. It makes no sense watching English movies and learning new words and then not utilizing those words in your normal conversation with others. You can’t make your grip stronger on those words until you use them multiple times in your conversation

You must practice the new English vocabulary, grammar structures, and pronunciations you are learning each day. What you learn today has to be used in your conversation tomorrow. You may find it difficult to speak fluently at first, but you will surely achieve fluency as soon as you make a practice to be more conversant in English. You will yourself get to realize that you are able to express yourself better than before. With the best English language classes in Mumbai you will be able to learn in an excellent learning environment.

Reason 4: fear of being embarrassed

The most critical reason for them to not be able to speak English fluently is the lack of confidence or a fear of being embarrassed in front of others. Studies have shown that most of the English speakers have not been able to speak properly because they have fear of being a laughing stock in front of others if they speak anything wrong in English. They simply give up the idea of working on their communication skills and build some confidence in themselves.

If you are seeking to speak better English you will need some best English trainers in Mumbai, who will first work on these issues so that you can see yourself becoming a person who is more confident to speak fluently in English than you were before.

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