Medical Korean Words and Phrases to Make You Feel Better

Learning essential medical terms and phrases in Korean can be incredibly helpful, especially for travelers, expatriates, or anyone interested in healthcare. Whether you’re visiting Korea for leisure or residing there, having a basic grasp of medical vocabulary can ensure effective communication and better care. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 50+ medical Korean words and phrases to empower you with the knowledge you need to navigate medical situations with confidence.

Common Symptoms and Conditions:

  • Fever: 열 (yeol)
  • Headache: 두통 (dutong)
  • Cold: 감기 (gamgi)
  • Cough: 기침 (gichim)
  • Stomachache: 복통 (boktong)
  • Allergy: 알레르기 (allereugi)
  • Diabetes: 당뇨병 (dangnyobyeong)
  • High Blood Pressure: 고혈압 (gohyeolap)

Medical Facilities and Professionals:

  • Hospital: 병원 (byeongwon)
  • Clinic: 클리닉 (keullinik)
  • Doctor: 의사 (uisa)
  • Nurse: 간호사 (ganhosa)
  • Pharmacist: 약사 (yagsa)

Medical Procedures and Terms:

  • Examination: 진찰 (jinchal)
  • Prescription: 처방전 (cheobangjeon)
  • X-ray: 엑스레이 (ekseurei)
  • Blood Test: 혈액검사 (hyeoraekgeomsa)
  • Injection: 주사 (jusa)
  • Surgery: 수술 (susul)
  • Anesthesia: 마취 (machi)

Expressing Pain and Discomfort:

  • It hurts: 아파요 (apayo)
  • I feel sick: 아파서 힘들어요 (apaseo himdeureoyo)
  • I have a sore throat: 목이 아파요 (mogi apayo)
  • I have a fever: 열이 나요 (yeori nayo)

Seeking Help and Assistance:

  • Call an ambulance: 구급차를 불러주세요 (gugeupchareul bulleojuseyo)
  • I need a doctor: 의사가 필요해요 (uisaga piryohaeyo)
  • Can you recommend a good hospital? 좋은 병원을 추천해 주세요 (joeun byeongwon-eul chucheonhae juseyo)

Asking About Medications:

  • Are there any side effects? 부작용이 있나요? (bujak-yongi innayo?)
  • How often should I take this? 이 약을 얼마나 자주 먹어야 하나요? (i yag-eul eolmana jaju meogeoya hanayo?)

In Case of Allergies:

  • I am allergic to penicillin: 페니실린에 알레르기가 있어요 (penisillin-e allereugi-ga isseoyo)
  • Please avoid using any nuts in my food: 견과류는 제 음식에 넣지 마세요 (gyeongwaryu-neun je eumsige neohji maseyo)

Conclusion: Equipping yourself with medical Korean vocabulary is a valuable skill that can enhance your ability to communicate effectively in healthcare settings. Whether you’re seeking medical assistance, describing symptoms, or discussing treatments, having a basic understanding of these 50+ medical words and phrases will help you feel more confident and empowered when dealing with medical situations in Korea. Remember, proper communication is essential for receiving the best care possible, and this knowledge will undoubtedly contribute to your overall well-being.

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