Learn Basic French Words and Phrases Needed to Survive in France

French is a Romance language spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, and the Caribbean nation of Haiti. If you’re planning a trip to one of those countries or if you know someone who lives there, it’s good to know how to say these basic French words and phrases- Bonsoir (Good evening), Bonne Nuit (Good night), Excusez-moi (Excuse me), etc. 

While it’s not necessary to speak French in order to travel throughout most of Europe, it will certainly make your travels easier. Learning the basics will allow you to interact with shopkeepers and servers while making your vacation more memorable.

The French language is beautiful and it sounds melodic. It is a pleasure to learn French. Moreover, there are around 200,000 French words and phrases in the language to look over while you foster your French conversational abilities. However, this may sound a bit scary (over 200,000 words), you genuinely just need to know 5% of French words and phrases to have a convincing or compelling conversation with someone in French.

In this way, if you start learning essential French words and common phrases, you’ll be pleasantly amazed by how confident you will be when you join others for a conversation in French.

Learn French in Pune or attend French classes in Pune as here you can find the best institute which can help you improve your French. 

1. Basic French Phrases To Greet And Introduce Yourself

You should keep in mind that, for French, greeting and introducing yourself are the two most important verbs in verbal exchange, both with people in a regular relationship and with strangers. Thus, before starting any conversation in French, it is essential to know the different forms of greeting, farewell, and introduction that you should be using-

Bonjour!/Bonsoir! Je m’appelle… : Good morning!/Good afternoon! My name is…

enchanted! Comment allezvous? : Charmed! How are you?

Comment vousappelez-vous? : What’s it called?

Au revoir: Goodbye

2. Basic French Phrases That Will Help You In Travelling

Once you successfully establish your first contact, you can confidently start a conversation that resolves any doubts you may have. It’s possible that, at times, you just don’t quite get what they’re pointing at, but don’t worry. Here are some expressions you can use to ask for clarification. To do this, remember that it is necessary to use the conditional verb tense which means politeness in French, as well as to be grateful and attentive. That way you can see how far the French is from those current stereotypes about their lack of manners.

Expressions that you can use to ask for any clarification-

Connaissez-vousouparlez-vousl’anglais? (Do you know or speak English?)

Pouvez-vousm’aiders’ilvousplaît? (Can you please help me?)

Puis-je vous poser une question sicela ne vousdérange pas? (Can I ask you a question if you don’t mind?)

Désolé, je ne parle pas français (Sorry, I don’t speak French)

Peux-turépéters’ilteplaît? (Could you repeat it, please?)

Pouvezvousparler plus lentements’ilvous plait? (Could you speak more slowly, please?)

Je ne understands pas (I don’t understand)

D’accord, bien (Okay, fine)

Thank you beaucoup. (Thank you very much.)

3. Basic French Phrases to Use When You’re Staying at a Hotel

You may most probably come in contact with the hotel’s receptionist or servant when you arrive at the place where you are staying. These are some of the basic phrases that can help you at the reception of your hotel.

J’aiunereservation. (I have a reservation.)

C’estcombien par nuit? (How much does it cost per night)

Est-ce que le petit déjeunerestinclus? (Is breakfast included?)

Je voudrais fairemon check-out, s’ilvous plait. (I would like to register my departure.)

Est-ce que jepeux payer avec la carte de credit? (Can I pay with a credit card?)

4. Basic French Phrases That You Can Use In The Restaurant

French cuisine is known all around the world for its quality, taste, and refinement. For this reason, if you travel to France, reservations are necessary at restaurants where you can enjoy traditional cuisine from the region you are visiting. Here are some basic French phrases that will help you manage situations in any location:

Une table pour deuxpersonnes, s’ilvous plait. (A table for two, please.)

La carte, s’ilvousplaît? (The letter please.)

Je voudrais… (I would like…)

Pour moi, la même chose. (For me the same.)

Je suisvégétarien(I am a vegetarian.)

L’addition, s’ilvousplait. (The account, please.)

5. Indications In Transport

Public transport in France is known for its great efficiency. It is simple and relatively cheap to get around both the major cities and move between the different regions. In addition, at each transport station you will find a support service with which you can put into practice the following basic phrases in French:

Un billet pour…, s’ilvous plait. (A ticket for…, please.)

Combiençacoûte? (How much does it cost?)

Quelest le train/bus pour aller à …? (What is the bus/train to go to…?)

Je vais à la rue…(I am going to the street…)

Où se trouve…? (Where is…?)

Tout droit. (Straight ahead.)

À gauche. (To the left)

A droite. (To the right.)

As you may have seen, whether you are a traveler or you find a disoriented tourist to help, these basic French phrases can get you out of more than one jam. Follow and learn these types of most relevant expressions or words and take advantage of your trip.

Also, if you want to learn French Language Classes in Mumbai then join the French institute in Mumbai. Thus, French classes in Mumbai can help you improve your language level in an easy and fast way before you start your experience abroad. Here you can also consider French language courses in Mumbai for a better learning experience.

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