Korean Tongue Twisters That Will Give Your Mouth and Mind a Workout

Tongue twisters are not just fun and challenging word games; they also serve as great exercises for improving pronunciation, enunciation, and linguistic skills. Korean tongue twisters, known as “도너츠” (doneocheu) in Korean, are no exception. With their unique consonant clusters and tricky pronunciation patterns, Korean tongue twisters offer a delightful yet demanding workout for your mouth and mind.

In this article, we present 11 entertaining Korean tongue twisters that will not only leave you giggling but will also help you enhance your Korean language abilities. So, grab a glass of water, loosen up your tongue, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of Korean tongue twisters!

1. “강남과 강북의 강남에서 강남까지 강남으로 간 남남은 강남과 강북사이 강남에 갔다갔어요.” (Kangnam-gwa kangbuk-ui kangnam-eseo kangnam-kkaji kangnam-euro gan nam-nam-eun kangnam-gwa kangbuk-sai kangnam-e gatda-gasseoyo.)

Translation: A man named “Nam-nam” went from Gangnam to Gangnam in Gangnam, between Gangnam and Gangbuk.

2. “붉은 빛 버섯 버섯이 붉은 빛 버섯 버섯을 밟으면 붉은 빛 버섯 버섯이 붉은 빛 버섯 버섯을 밟으며 붉은 빛 버섯 버섯을 밟으며 붉은 빛 버섯 버섯을 밟아요.” (Bulgeun bich beoseot beoseosi bulgeun bich beoseot beoseos-eul balbeumyeon bulgeun bich beoseot beoseos-i bulgeun bich beoseot beoseos-eul balbeumyeo bulgeun bich beoseot beoseos-eul balbeumyeo.)

Translation: When you step on a red light mushroom, the red light mushroom steps on a red light mushroom, and the red light mushroom keeps stepping on a red light mushroom.

3. “삼색 쌀 싸게 샀어요.” (Samsaek ssal ssage ssass-eoyo.)

Translation: I bought three-colored rice cheaply.

4. “엄마가 말하는 말은 엄마가 말하듯이 엄마 같지 않아요.” (Eomma-ga malhaneun mal-eun eomma-ga malhadeus-i eomma gatji anh-ayo.)

Translation: The words that mom says don’t sound like how mom says them.

5. “호랑이에게 호랑이가 호랑기에게 호랑이가 되기 위해 호랑이가 호랑기에게 호랑이가 되었다고 해도 호랑이가 되겠어요.” (Horang-i-ege horang-iga horanggiege horang-i-ga doegi wihae horang-i-ga horanggiege horang-iga doeeossdago haedo horang-i-ga doegesseoyo.)

Translation: Even if a tiger says that it became a tiger to become a tiger to another tiger, it will become a tiger.

6. “파란 팔레트를 파랗게 칠할 수록 파란 팔레트에 파랗게 칠해져요.” (Paran palleteuleul parajge chilhal sulog paran pallete paranjge chilhaejyeoyo.)

Translation: The more you paint a blue palette blue, the bluer the blue palette becomes.

7. “옷가게 아주 좋은 옷이 나왔어요.” (Otgage aju joheun os-i nawass-eoyo.)

Translation: Very nice clothes came out in the clothing store.

8. “파란 청춘 옷을 입은 분은 파란 청춘 옷을 입은 분들을 봐도 파랗게 느껴지지 않아요.” (Paran cheongchun os-eul ib-eun bun-eun paran cheongchun os-eul ib-eun bundeul-eul bwado parajge neukkyeojiji anh-ayo.)

Translation: Even when people wearing blue youth clothes look at others wearing blue youth clothes, they don’t feel blue.

9. “흰 닭은 닭장에서 흰 닭장은 닭장에서 흰 닭장은 닭장에서 흰 닭이 닭장에서 흰 닭장에 들어갔어요.” (Heun dak-eun dakjang-eseo heun dakjang-eun dakjang-eseo heun dakjang-eun dakjang-eseo heun dak-i dakjang-eseo heun dakjang-e deul-eogass-eoyo.)

Translation: A white chicken went into a white coop from a chicken coop in a white coop in a chicken coop.

10. “소년은 소년이고 소녀는 소녀다.” (Sonyeon-eun sonyeon-igo sonyeo-neun sonyeoda.)

Translation: A boy is a boy, and a girl is a girl.

11. “십 시 십 분 십 십분 십 시 십 분.” (Sip si sip bun sip sip bun sip si sip bun.)

Translation: Ten o’clock ten minutes, ten ten minutes ten o’clock.


Korean tongue twisters add a fun and challenging element to language learning. By practicing these tongue twisters, you’ll not only improve your pronunciation and fluency but also experience the joy of mastering tricky linguistic patterns. So, keep repeating these tongue twisters and enjoy the playful workout they offer for your mouth and mind. If you want to learn these tongue twisters in Korean language then you will need to join Korean language classes in Mumbai or another locations.

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