People are always startled to hear Indians speaking Japanese. Is Japanese really that challenging? Even Japanese people appear to think that foreigners cannot learn Japanese. It really is lot simpler than English.

It’s not that they are proficient language learners. You must become ready to learn the Japanese language every day if you too want to become fluent in it. Due to using the wrong learning technique, many students struggle in Japanese classes or Japanese courses and end up dropping out.

  1. Japanese Has Simple, Structured Grammar

Recognizing verb conjugation tables is a necessary part of learning Spanish. Additionally, it appears that there are more “irregular” verbs than those that adhere to intricate criteria. Japanese grammar is a breeze compared to any European language. You can learn and develop solid Japanese grammar with frequent practice. If you want to master advanced grammar, you can either hire a tutor or enroll in the top Japanese institute in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, etc.

  1. Japanese Vocabulary Is Easy To Learn

For most languages, vocabulary means memorizing 20,000–30,000 words to become fluent. Japanese has a shortcut. Instead of memorizing random words, learn 1000 kanji. Most Japanese words are a combination of 2 kanji. That makes vocabulary easy.

  1. Pronunciation is Snap

The idea that there are unbreakable norms for pronunciation—which astute linguists have undoubtedly already realized—is connected to another positive aspect of learning Japanese. There are only 46 possible sounds in the language since there are only 46 phonetic characters with one possible pronunciation. While it may seem like a lot, there are only a few sounds you need to practice hearing and pronouncing. This is especially true when comparing Japanese to English, where there are countless different interpretations for each of the 26 letters and virtually infinite combinations, which makes things much more difficult.

  1. No Verb Agreements

No verb agreements, indeed! I don’t know what will motivate you to start learning Japanese if this doesn’t. Whether a noun is in the first, second, or third person affects the verb’s form in English. The genders of the nouns and adjectives must agree when speaking Spanish. You won’t have to worry about anything similar when speaking Japanese.

  1. Easy Writing System

Is it necessary to have three separate Japanese scripts? Please choose a side now! Undoubtedly, many of you who are learning Japanese have experienced something similar. This writing system also has a huge advantage, despite any internal screams you may have had at first. Japanese words are primarily represented in hiragana. Katakana, on the other hand, denotes foreign terms. Kanji, too? We’ll talk more about that in the part below, though.


Nothing beats speaking the language from day one if you want to see rapid development, regardless of the efforts you take to improve your Japanese!

That’s why Japanese courses are an excellent way to practice a new language. With Japanese language classes in Mumbai or Japanese language courses in Mumbai, you can get private sessions with a professional Japanese tutor via video chat. Your tutor will serve as your own language sensei, leading you through the process, correcting your errors, and creating a plan specifically for you depending on your proficiency.

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