Is German Easy To Learn? Everything You Need To Know

Most people think that German is a very difficult language to learn. They believe it because they don’t know enough about the language, its structure, and its rules. We have heard many arguments in favor of German being one of the easiest languages to learn. It is often compared to English because both German and English are part of the same language family, called West Germanic. Both languages use an alphabet that only consists of 26 letters (not including special characters). Many words are also similar between the two languages, so it’s easier for English speakers to pronounce them correctly.

Well, this article will help you understand that German is one of the easiest languages to learn and speak fluently.

Read also: 5 Basic Spanish Grammar Rules You Can’t Forget

If you want to learn German then you just need to focus on basic words, learn the key nouns, verbs, adjectives, and practice grammar.

  • Learn The Most Basic Words

To get started and have your first basic conversation in German, learn some meaningful words and phrases like:

Hello! – Hello!

Hello! Wiegeht’s? – Hi how are you?

Guten Morgen! – Hello!

Guten Tag! – Good afternoon!

GutenAbend! – Goodnight!

Dankesehr! – Thanks a lot!

Tschüss! Biszumnächsten Mal. — Goodbye! Until next time.

You need to practice daily use words and note down them in your notebook. And simply repeat the words every day. Plus, you can choose to use German courses in Mumbai or German language classes in Mumbai to learn the basics on a regular basis.

  • Practice Adjectives, Verbs, And Nouns

German nouns, verbs, and adjectives are very simple and easy to learn if you know English very well. Once you take over them, you can easily start a conversation with a native speaker. But if you want to keep the conversation going and find out more about the person you’re talking to, you’ll need to learn advanced conversational skills, learn German in Mumbai with the best private tutor or attend German classes in Mumbai. They will help you learn new words and sentences so you can quickly memorize them. Keep things interesting by learning idioms and slang.

  • Learn Grammar And Practice Sentence

When it comes to learning German for beginners, grammar turns out to be the most difficult part. Without a doubt, the grammatical part can be quite complicated at first. But there are almost no exceptions to the German grammar rules, which makes them easier to remember.

And what about the sentence structure? Structurally, German is a bit similar to English, so it won’t be that hard to understand the rules if you speak that language.

Reasons To Learn German

  • German Is The Language Of More Than 100 Million People

At least another 80 million use it as a second language. German culture has had a great transcendence throughout Europe, whether in the field of music, with composers such as Beethoven, Wagner, or Bach, literature with authors such as Goethe, Schiller, Kafka, or philosophy with names such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, or Schopenhauer. Without forgetting many popular tales that have a German origin.

  • For Work

With your German-speaking skills, you can find high-paying jobs in European countries, the USA, India, etc. Germany is a country that is open to the reception of specialized foreign workers.

But, even without leaving India, we must take into account that companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, Siemens, Bosch, and even Nivea may take into account our level of German when hiring us for certain positions.

In addition, Germans are great travelers, who love our country, and being able to serve them in their language will be a plus for any self-respecting hospitality company.

  • To Study In Germany

Germany has Universities and study centers with an excellent reputation worldwide, especially in the field of science and technology, but also in the humanities. In addition, it offers scholarships and great facilities for students. Of course, they will require a high level of German to be able to access them.

  • Personal Growth

It may seem silly, but really, don’t you feel good when you see that you make progress in something that everyone considers difficult? You can impress people around you and make more and more friends in Germany with your German-speaking skills.


\Now you come to know that German is an easy language to learn only if you practice dedicatedly. If you know English, you will see that it is not so complex. German is phonetic (not like English) and its pronunciation has rules and sounds. Believe it or not, it is not one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. If you want to learn advanced German then you can learn German in Delhi or attend German classes in Delhi.

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