IELTS Speaking: The Grammar Challenge To Consider

You might be surprised to learn that grammar is one of the four factors used to evaluate your performance on the IELTS Speaking test and that it contributes 25% of your final score. Many test takers believe that speaking with proper grammar is solely about accuracy and making no mistakes. The story doesn’t end here. Making mistakes is common, and IELTS is aware of this- even the Speaking Band 7 score anticipates “some persistent grammatical errors.”

To assist you prevent errors, consider the verb tenses you use and make sure they correspond to the questions being posed. In the case of the question, “What did you do at work today?” the important word is “did,” which is in the past tense. As a result, your response should also be in the past tense, such as I wrote a report.

But grammar also involves demonstrating a variety of grammatical structures. This entails utilizing a variety of tenses and grammatical constructions in addition to simple phrases (e.g., refraining from using the simple present solely).

So, how can you overcome the grammar challenge in the IELTS speaking test? Here are some tips to help you improve your grammar skills and perform well in the test:

  • Review and practice grammar rules:

Make sure to thoroughly review the grammar rules of English, including tenses, articles, verb agreement, prepositions, etc. Practice using these rules in different contexts to reinforce your understanding. You can find online resources, grammar books, and language exchange partners to practice with.  With IELTS classes in Mumbai or IELTS courses in Mumbai, it might be easy to achieve your desired goal.

  • Focus on accuracy rather than complexity:

While it’s important to use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures in the speaking test, it’s more crucial to be accurate. Avoid attempting complex structures that you are not confident about, as they may lead to mistakes. It’s better to use simple grammar accurately than to make errors in complex sentences.

  • Develop a habit of proofreading:

During your practice sessions, make it a habit to proofread your speech. Check for any grammar mistakes, especially in tenses and article usage. Take your time to correct any errors and practice speaking the corrected version to reinforce the correct usage.

  • Use appropriate verb tenses:

Pay careful attention to the appropriate use of past, present, and future tenses in your speech. Practice using them correctly in different contexts, and be mindful of your tense usage during the speaking test. Avoid mixing up tenses, as this can affect your grammar score. You can practice or improve verb tenses with the best IELTS institute in Mumbai as they have experienced teachers and they are well-versed in tenses.

  • Learn and use collocations:

Collocations are words that commonly go together in English. For example, “make a decision” or “take an exam.” Learning and using collocations can help you sound more natural and fluent in your speech. Practice incorporating collocations into your speaking practice to improve your grammar and vocabulary simultaneously.

  • Seek feedback from native speakers:

If possible, practice speaking with native English speakers and ask for feedback on your grammar usage. Native speakers can provide valuable insights and corrections, helping you identify areas for improvement. You can also join English language clubs or participate in language exchange programs to get more exposure to real-life English conversations and receive feedback from native speakers.

  • Use online resources:

There are numerous online resources available that can help you improve your grammar skills for the IELTS speaking test. You can find grammar exercises, tutorials, and practice tests online to strengthen your grammar knowledge. You can go with the popular IELTS institute near Andheri, IELTS institute near Dadar for a better learning experience.

  • Practice as much as you can:

The key to improving your grammar skills is consistent practice. Set aside regular time for grammar practice and incorporate it into your daily routine. Practice speaking in English as much as possible, even in your everyday conversations, to develop fluency and accuracy.

  • Familiarize yourself with common grammar mistakes:

Be aware of common grammar mistakes that non-native English speakers tend to make, and make a conscious effort to avoid them. For example, using the wrong preposition, subject-verb agreement errors, or confusingly similar words like “there,” “their,” and “they’re.” Being mindful of these mistakes can help you avoid them during the IELTS speaking test.

  • Stay calm and focused during the test:

Finally, it’s important to stay calm and focused during the IELTS speaking test. Nervousness and anxiety can affect your grammar usage and lead to mistakes. Take deep breaths, relax, and speak at a moderate pace. Listen carefully to the questions and instructions, and respond thoughtfully and coherently.


Grammar can be a challenge in the IELTS speaking test, but with consistent practice and attention to accuracy, you can improve your grammar skills and perform well on the test. Review grammar rules, focus on accuracy rather than complexity, proofread your speech, use appropriate verb tenses, learn and use collocations, seek feedback from native speakers, use online resources, practice regularly, familiarize yourself with common grammar mistakes, and stay calm and focused during the test. With dedication and practice, you can overcome the grammar challenge and achieve a high score in the IELTS speaking test. Good luck!

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