1. Always pay attention to students’ ages and language levels.

Before you choose the video content for the student to watch, it is important for you to ensure the student’s ages and language levels. You obviously would not like to choose monotonous and easy or boring video content or a film for your advanced learners. The adults would not be able to enjoy them for so long.

On the other hand, there is one more factor that has to be taken into consideration before showing the content to the students and the factor is you can’t choose a difficult content for your students, which may later be perceived to be a burden on them.

In both cases, the only thing that matters is the compatibility of the video and documentary with the learners.

  1. Use Subtitles.

Subtitles are so helpful and their contribution in understanding the context is huge. It is therefore considered to be a best expedient solution to include the subtitle in the content that learners are going to watch. It’s the way to go. Even advanced learners have in many cases have expressed their desires to include subtitles.
There should also be an option to turn off the subtitles so that if learners want to watch the content without the help of subtitles, the should be able to turn it off from there and then by themselves judge the level they are able to understand the content.

  1. Short videos are quick and very productive.

Short videos are quick and very productive in the language learning process. it s very similar to the one we do with YouTube videos. You can start and stop the video as per your needs and convenience. Being short in size, the language learners will never find them cumbersome. They are very much helpful if there is a paucity of time with you or you have a tight schedules.

If the video content is too long then you are most likely to fail to hold your attention in a full video, but this is not so with the short videos. Therefore, short videos are considered to be one of the best ways to learn english fast. This also obviates the need for you to spend your time. Short videos can contribute to learn new words vocabulary and phrases in a short among of time.

  1. No matter if you are audio learner of a visual learners

The short movies includes images of objects which simply help you remember vocabulary and grammar in a proper way. Many of you might be a visual learner so you can simply pause the movie and allocate the name to all the objects displayed in the image.

If you learn things through audio then you can give a voice or sound to the movie and then try to remember the dialogues that you hear. This is going to help you remember things.

  1. They are real and contextual based

Short movies or a video content like this happen to be contextual based that means they are natural and helps learn the language more naturally. So you never need to rely on different sort of text books. Being contextual, the material is not intended to teach you anything as this is a natural content that you can simply understand and use it the way you want.


If you are seeking to learn english language online in Mumbai, then learning it through short movies and videos will be highly beneficial.

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