How to Speak Japanese Language: The Faster Way to Learn Japanese

In this article, we’ll break down the fundamentals of Japanese, including essential Japanese words and phrases, and provide links to resources that will help you get off on the right foot.

Learning any new language can be daunting, but with a little time and effort, it can be done! Japanese is a beautiful and unique language, with many interesting customs and traditions. While it may seem difficult at first, once you understand the basics of the language, it will become much easier.

How to Speak Japanese Language Faster?

1. The Japanese writing system is made up of three different scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana and katakana are the phonetic alphabets used for writing words of Japanese origin, while kanji are Chinese characters that are also used in Japanese. While it may seem like a lot to learn at first, don’t worry – you will only need to use one or two of these scripts depending on what you want to write.

2. There are two main dialects of Japanese: Tokyo dialect and Osaka dialect. The Tokyo dialect is more commonly used in formal settings such as business meetings or news broadcasts, while the Osaka dialect is more commonly used in everyday conversation. If you are just starting out, it is best to learn the Tokyo dialect as it will be more understood by people from other parts of Japan.

In India, every Japanese institute in Mumbai, Delhi, and Pune is offering advanced courses to encourage students and working professionals to learn Japanese.

3. Unlike English, Japanese is a very concise language. This means that there are often multiple ways to say the same thing, depending on the context. For example, the phrase “I eat breakfast” can be  translated as “asu o tabemasu” (lit. “I eat morning”), “chōshoku o tabemasu” (lit. “I eat breakfast”), or simply “tabemasu” (lit. “I eat”).

4. Just like any language, there are polite and informal ways of speaking in Japanese. The polite form is used when talking to someone of higher status, such as a boss or a teacher, while the informal form is used when talking to friends or family. It is important to use the correct form in order to show respect to the person you are talking to.

5. Japanese has a lot of loanwords from other languages, particularly English. These words are typically written in katakana, and often have a different meaning than their English counterparts. For example, the English word “park” is written as “pāku” in Japanese, and refers to a parking lot, not a nature park.

With these things in mind, you are now ready to start learning Japanese!

How to Speak Japanese Fluently

If you want to learn Japanese fast, then you need to be willing to put in the work. While there are no shortcuts to becoming fluent in any language, there are some things you can do to speed up the learning process.

Here are a few tips on how to speak Japanese fluently:

1. Immerse yourself in the language.

The best way to learn any language is to surround yourself with it as much as possible. If you can, find a way to live in Japan or another country where Japanese is spoken. This will force you to use the language every day and pick up on natural nuances and expressions that you wouldn’t otherwise learn from a textbook.

2. Study with a tutor or take a class.

While total immersion is the ideal way to learn Japanese, it’s not always possible for everyone. If you can’t live in Japan, the next best thing is to study with a tutor or take a class from a qualified instructor. This will give you regular opportunities to practice speaking and help you stay on track with your studies.

3. Use study aids and resources.

In addition to working with a tutor or taking a class, there are many other ways you can supplement your studies and get extra practice speaking Japanese. There are tons of great books, websites, apps, and other resources out there that can help you learn faster. Find some that work well for you and make use of them regularly.

4. Be patient and consistent.

Learning any language takes time and effort, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Be patient and consistent with your studies, and eventually, you will start to see progress.

How to Read and Write Japanese

Assuming you don’t know how to read or write Japanese, learning both can seem like an insurmountable task. However, with a little bit of practice, you can start reading and writing Japanese quickly and easily!

To start reading Japanese, it helps to know the basic sounds that the different letters make. Once you have a handle on the pronunciation, you can begin learning to read Kanji, which are the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. While Kanji can be daunting at first, there are only a few thousand that you need to know in order to be able to read and write fluently.

As for writing Japanese, there are three main scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana is used for native Japanese words, while katakana is used for foreign words. Kanji, as we mentioned before, are the Chinese characters that are also used in Japanese writing.

Of these three scripts, hiragana is probably the easiest to learn. It consists of 46 basic characters that represent all of the sounds in the Japanese language. Once you know hiragana, you can start stringing together simple words and phrases.

Katakana is similar to hiragana but consists of different characters; it’s typically used for foreign words (e.g., スーパーマーケット = “supermarket”). There are only 48 basic Katakana characters,  so it’s not much more difficult to learn than hiragana.

Kanji, as we mentioned before, are the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. There are several thousand Kanji characters, but you only need to know a few hundred to be able to read and write fluently. The best way to learn Kanji is to practice writing them out by hand; this will help you to remember them more easily.

Once you’ve learned the basic sounds of the Japanese language and how to read and write the different scripts (hiragana, katakana, and kanji), you’ll be well on your way to being able to read and write Japanese fluently!

Japan’s Favorite Expressions

If you’re looking to learn Japanese fast, one of the best things you can do is to learn some of the most common expressions. Here are some of Japan’s favorite expressions that you can use to improve your Japanese skills:

– お願いします (onegai shimasu): please

– ありがとうございます (arigatou gozaimasu): thank you

– すみません (sumimasen): excuse me, sorry

– いただきます (itadakimasu): thank you for the food

– お元気ですか?(ogenki desu ka?): how are you?

– 元気です (genki desu): I’m fine

– 日本語を話しますか?(nihongo o hanashimasu ka?): do you speak Japanese?

Resources for Learning Japanese

When it comes to learning Japanese, there are a wealth of resources available to help you get started. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. For beginners, we recommend the Japanese Language Courses in Mumbai. This course is designed to help you learn conversational Japanese quickly and easily, and is available in both audio and app format.

2. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive approach, we recommend the Routledge Introductory Japanese Course. This course covers all the basics of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, and culture, and includes a handy reference guide so you can review what you’ve learned.

3. For those who want to learn at their own pace, we recommend the Japan Foundation Self-Study Room. This online resource provides a range of materials for self-study, including grammar exercises, listening comprehension exercises and cultural notes.

4. No matter what your level of Japanese, watching Japanese films is a great way to improve your listening skills and gain exposure to authentic language usage. We recommend checking out our list of 10 great Japanese films for learners.

5. Finally, if you want to really immerse yourself in the language, why not consider spending some time in Japan? There’s no better way to learn than by living and breathing the language on a daily basis!


This article has hopefully given you a better understanding of how to speak Japanese, as well as some tips and tricks to help you learn the language faster. If you’re interested in learning Japanese language, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed – just take it one step at a time and be patient with yourself. With enough practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

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