Some Common French Phrases You Must Know While Learning French

Are you planning a trip to France or French-speaking country? Do you have a French lover whose heart you want to melt with your language skills? Or are you just going crazy trying to understand what the heck those Franchise are saying on your next business trip? Either way, knowing some common French phrases can mean the difference between a successful trip and an awkward encounter.

With the recent rise in popularity of French culture and fashion, mastering a few simple words and phrases will make any trip to France easier. In fact, with common French phrases, you’ll be able to have a basic conversation in most parts of France.

As you prepare for your vacation or business trip, it’s important that you attempt to learn some basic French first. There are a handful of phrases that you’ll find especially useful as you travel. So attend French language classes in Mumbai to start learning some common phrases from day one. Also, you can find the best French Institute in Kolkata or French classes in Chennai.

Here are some common and useful French phrases you must know while learning French.

Let’s get started-

Good command over the French language is essential to be understood and to convince. The more precise, nuanced, and elaborate vocabulary you have, the more effective you will be in your interventions.

Learn these phrases to shine in society by expressing yourself in strong French-

  • To Meet Someone

Hello my name is: Bonjour je m’appelle

Hello/hi: Bonjour / Salut

Goodbye: Au revoir

Good morning: Bonjour

I am: Je suis

My name is, what is your name? : Mon nom est, comment t’appelles-tu?

Nice to meet you: Heureux de vousrencontrer

  • Acknowledge/Need

Sure: c’estsûr

Certainly: certainement

Definitely: définitivement

Absolutely: absolument

That’s fine: c’estbien

That’s right: c’estbien

It doesn’t matter: çan’a pas d’importance

Of course: bien sur

Of course not: biensûr que non

Me too: moiaussi

Not bad: pas mal

I like it/I don’t like it: j’aimecela, je n’aime pas cela

  • Ask For Information

Which way is it? : C’estdansquelsens? (Circulation)

What is it? : qu’estce que c’est?

Can I ask you something? : est-ce que jepeuxte demander quelque chose?

  • Ask For Help

Can you help me? : pouvez-vousm’aider

I need help: j’aibesoind’aide

I’m lost: je suis perdu

I don’t know the way: je ne connais pas le chemin

  • Thanks And Excuses

Thank you/thank you very much: merci / merci beaucoup

Sorry I’m late: désolé je suisen retard

Sorry to keep you waiting: désolé de t’avoirfaitattendre

Sorry for the delay: pardon pour le retard

  • Feed The Conversation In English

Wait a minute: attendezun instant

I don’t think so: je ne crois pas

Is there something wrong? : quelque-chose ne va pas?

Go ahead, tell me more: vas y, dis m’en plus

What a shame: queldommage

What a pity: queldommage

Have fun: Amuse toi

It’s up to you: Ca dépend de toi

By the way: Au fait

  • Common French Phrases for Shopping

Where are the shops? : Oùsont les magasins?

Where is the mall? : Oùest le centre-commercial?

Can I pay with a credit card? : Est-ce que jepeuxpayer avec une carte de crédit?

At what time is it open? : À quelleheureest-ce que s’estouvert?

At what time is it closed? : À quelleheureest-ce que s’estfermé?

I am searching for a bag/a postcard/a book. : Je chercheun sac/une carte postale/un livre.

How much does it cost? : Combiençacoûte?

It’s too expensive! : C’est trop cher!

It’s a great deal! : C’est bon marché!

It’s good/bad/terrible. : C’est bon/mal/terrible.

  • Useful French Phrases for Dining

The menu/fixed-price menu, please. : La carte/le menu, s’ilvousplaît.

I would like a coffee. : Je voudraisun café.

I would like a glass* (usually refers to a glass of beer): Je voudraisunverre.

I would like some water: Je voudrais de l’eau.

The bill, please. : L’addition, s’ilvousplaît.


So here we have discussed some useful phrases you can use to communicate in various situations. You can use these phrases to strong your French vocabulary.

If you want to learn advanced French then join then you can join French institute in Mumbai to learn French in Mumbai.

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