Common Spanish Slang To Help You Sound Like A Local

Knowing a language frequently entails understanding linguistic turns rather than memorizing a large number of words. Most of the students and professionals attend Spanish institute in Mumbai to learn Spanish in Mumbai while many other go to Spanish speaking countries to learn Spanish.

If you’re learning Spanish on your own, you might be missing out on a key aspect of the language. Understanding Spanish slang allows you to communicate with native speakers on a whole new level. Whether you’ve recently migrated or are visiting this fascinating country, it’s critical to gain a greater knowledge of the people who live there.

To help you develop your vocabulary and feel more at ease around native speakers, we’ve compiled a selection of the greatest Spanish slang. Spanish slang can help you sound like a native speaker, learn about the culture behind the language, and feel more confident in your interactions with others with practice. Are you ready, guys?

Speaking a language is nice, but speaking it with authentic local phrases is ten times better. Nobody wants to seem like a boring grandfather or a monotonous audiobook, so we’ve compiled a list of 10 of the most effective Spanish slang idioms to assist you out.

These ten essential expressions will help you improve your Spanish skills.

1. Guay

Every 5 seconds, Spaniards use this word. It’s a terrific way to express how great something is. In movies from the 1980s and 1990s, you could hear extended versions like “guay del Paraguay” (cool from Paraguay) or “tope guay” (extremely cool). Keep a safe distance from them. They’ve been out of date for a long time.

“These goggles are guay.”

These sunglasses are quite stylish.

2. Gratitude

It’s basic Spanish slang, and it’s the informal version of “de acuerdo” (all right/ok). This is most likely the first Spanish slang expression you’ll encounter, and it can be used in a variety of contexts.

“Can we take 5 minutes to get some air?”


“Shall we go outside for 5 minutes to get some fresh air?” “Shall we go out for 5 minutes to get some fresh air?”


3. Hablarporloscodos

Meaning: to be a chatterbox

Literally: “to talk through the elbows”

We’ve all got that one friend that speaks about everything at all times. That person is me, if you are one of my friends. The origin of this word is unknown, although it may have something to do with the fact that chatterboxes frequently gesticulate, therefore they also communicate “through the elbows.” No calla nidebajo del agua, which literally means “doesn’t even shut up underwater,” is another phrase to imply someone speaks a lot (and is my father’s personal favourite). “Cristina speaks for the cods, no calla nidebajo del agua!” he would often say to me.

4. Neta

Another one of those words you’ll hear in movies, television shows, or from your Spanish friends. It normally denotes “the truth,” but when used in an interrogative context, it means:

¿Neta? – Is this for real?

You can also use the phrase “excellent” to describe to someone.

– You’re the one! – You’re fantastic!

5. Chulo

Locals utilize this to communicate how great objects and places are in a positive way.

“This shopping Centre is very nice.”

This shopping centre is fantastic.

A person who is being cocky is sometimes referred to as “un chulo.”

“Vámonos, the dependent is a cutie.”

Let’s depart since the sales clerk is overly arrogant.


By learning Spanish language, you’ll have a better chance to understand the locals and also you can express your feeling more easily. So attend Spanish classes in Mumbai or Spanish courses in Mumbai to learn the dialect today.

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