9 Amazing Reasons To Start Learning Spanish in Mumbai

With the growing economy and increasing bilateral relations, various working professionals, students, and business owners are learning foreign languages for specific purposes.

Learning a second language – and even more languages ??- is not only beneficial but also necessary. To learn any new language, you should know the basics of that language, such as basic structure, vocabulary, grammar, words, etc.

This may sound difficult, but with the availability of a lot of resources- like foreign language learning institutes, online language learning websites, and language learning app, one can easily learn a foreign language in India.

Now you are thinking which is the best language to learn in India? However, there are various foreign languages you can choose to learn. All these languages are known for their specialties.

If talk about the best language, Spanish has emerged as the most popular and career-oriented language to learn in India.

Read Also: 6 Major Benefits of Learning Spanish Language

Let’s get started-

9 amazing reasons to start learning Spanish in Mumbai, India-

Learning Spanish in Mumbai is beneficial as there are various Spanish institutes that provide an amazing learning experience. Every Spanish institute in Mumbai provides advanced Spanish courses in Mumbai that are designed by certified professionals. Individuals from different parts of the states can join online Spanish classes in Mumbai to basic and advanced Spanish in a short time.

1. Most Spoken Language In The World 

With the knowledge of the Spanish language, you will be able to communicate with more than 534 million people around the world. Learning to speak Spanish will open new doors for you in all directions, and will make you discover new opportunities.

If you are planning to settle in the USA then Spanish will help you a lot. An estimated 52.6 million people in the USA speak Spanish. So go ahead and learn Spanish in Mumbai, India.

2. It Will Open For You A World That Before You Could Only Dream

Learning Spanish will make traveling so much easier, enjoyable, and cheaper. Wherever you go, you are sure to meet wonderful people who speak Spanish and you can express to them your feeling about the places you have visited. It is a language that will allow you to fully enjoy the experiences you have during your trip. With the knowledge of the Spanish language, you can explore Spanish-speaking countries with ease.

3. You Can Enjoy Fantastic Books, Movies And The Culture Behind Them

Speaking Spanish will open the doors to a rich, wonderful culture with great historical importance. You will learn new things about Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, from which creators of the stature of Pablo Picasso or Miguel de Cervantes come. Many of the most famous works of art of the modern era have been created by artists of Spanish origin.

4. It Can Help You Get The Job Of Your Dreams

Learning Spanish opens up the door of opportunities. A 2017 New American Economy study shows that the demand for bilingual workers in the United States has more than doubled, for both low-skilled and high-skilled jobs. In India and other countries, various multinational companies prefer candidates who are fluent in Spanish. The demand for Spanish speakers is in almost every industry such as healthcare, tourism, education, and more. You can also earn huge money by doing freelancing from the comfort of home.

So do not miss the opportunity to get one of the competitions that could lead you to get the job of your dreams.

5. Train Your Brain To Work Better

Learning Spanish requires a lot of practice, hard work, and dedication, but the process will help you train your brain and memory skills. Learning a new language or skills will serve you well in many other aspects of your life. It has been shown that, when we master a second or third language, our mind becomes stronger and more flexible, being able to adapt more easily to the changes and challenges that we encounter along the way.

6. Spanish Is Easy To Learn

Learning Spanish is fun and easy at all. Regular practice can make your learning process even smoother. It has many words that are very similar to English. It does not require learners to learn a completely new alphabet and there is less emphasis on tone than many of the Asian languages.

7. Understand Movies and Lyrics Of That Song You Love

There are many popular songs that are in Spanish and you love them even without knowing the meaning and even humming it. Do you love the most famous web series on Netflix Money Heist and want to experience it in its native language? Or love popular song Shakira? Or maybe you want to know what the lyrics of Despacito, by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee say? This is one of the funniest advantages of learning Spanish: you will be able to sing the latest songs in Spanish in chorus with your friends.

8. It Is The Entrance Door To Other Romanesque Languages

Knowledge of the Spanish language will help you learn and understand another Romance language, such as Portuguese, Italian, French, or Romanian. Knowing one of these languages ??makes it easier to study the others since they all come from Latin and still share features of grammar, syntax, and much of the vocabulary.

9. Best For Higher Education

Within Europe, Spain is the most popular destination for Indian students when it comes to studying abroad. There are various popular universities, institutes, and business schools, welcoming students from other countries to expand their educational horizons.

Popular degrees like law, MBA, Science, and Spanish language courses offered by Spanish universities and institutes have met worldwide acclaim.

Students having a degree from these universities, and institutes are respected and recognized by employers all over the world.


In today’s time, knowledge of foreign language is essential for both personal and professional life. Imagine how easy it would be for you to express your feeling and ideas to the native speakers. So join Spanish classes in Mumbai today and learn to speak Spanish fluently.
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