6 Ways To Improve English Writing Skills

Today English has dominance in the entire world. Today, survival without English is absolutely not possible. You can achieve unimaginable success if you have skills in writing in English. It is actually a great plus for professionals, but many people still found to be struggling at it. Here, in this article, we are sharing 7 powerful ways to improve English writing skills.

Read A Lot!

For being able to write in English, you need to get familiar with the language first, and reading is the only way which is by far the best way to make it happen. In order to improve your writing skills in English, you need to commerce reading as much as you can. Read books, Novels and work on your fluency and get an understanding of particular words which will subsequently work on your English writing. You will very soon realize improvement in your English writing skills.

Break Down Your Sentences & Paragraphs

Many learners get more inclined towards using flamboyant words to improve their writing skills, which turns out to be a big mistake as you can simply mess up with your sentence construction. So here we can advise you to break down your sentence and abstain from using words like “and”, “or” etc. When you use multiple conjunctions to connect multiple sentences it leads to confusion. Sometimes readers may not be able to decode the message in the way you encoded it in your writing. Breaking down your sentences into small chunks will make your message clear and concise and reader will surely be able to understand what is being said and will immediately connect with you.

Learn new words everyday

Now we are going to share one of the most powerful techniques that can really help you. You must learn new words every day and add them to the directory of your brain. It has been seen more times than usual that even the most experienced writers could not avoid writing things properly and their messages were misunderstood or misinterpreted. Trust me they made glaring errors and much grammar-check software failed to detect the errors.

I believe you do realize that ‘bare’ and ‘bear’ sound the same way, however, they convey different meanings altogether. Additionally, incorrect spelling may give a reason to readers to take you negatively as it creates a negative impression in their minds. Any organization will not be able to store their full confidence in you if you keep on making such glaring grammatical and spelling mistakes. Hence, it is imperative that you must learn not to make such mistakes. Many writers read their own articles a number of times in order to check if there is any grammatical error or spelling error. They take the gap right after the writing process ends, and then they review it multiple times to ensure there is no mistake if there is any. So when you write, try to add new words to your writing. It will quite possibly be a little cumbersome for you initially, but eventually, this is going to work on your writing English skills. You will get accustomed to using more complex words in your writing within no time.

Avoid Using ‘Very’, Use Different Words

To improve your writing skills, you are supposed to use a wider range of words instead of using “very”
We don’t advise you to completely avoid, it because this is not even possible, but we suggest you to use following words

Very NoisyDeafening
Very oldAncient
Very oftenFrequently
You scaredPetrified

I had a very hard workout at the gym today and felt very tired throughout the day.


I had a grueling workout at the gym today that drained me for the rest of the day.

So the above example instantiates that using different words, you can convey a better message which will create the right impact. We are more than confident that these simple tips would surely help improve your English writing skills

The summary works really well

If you really want your readers to be engrossed in the longest of articles, then you must focus on a good summary and captivating introduction. You must first learn how to write a good summary for being able to become a good writer. If your article is summarized in the form of points with proper headings, the reader will more likely to keep reading your article.

However, if your article has long paragraphs that look wordy may not be able to arise the interest of the reader. It may simply overwhelm the reader.

Take the help of apps

Those who are not good at the grammar of English may take some help from apps. Some apps can definitely provide some help in terms of sentence structure, grammar, spelling, tenses, etc. they can be incredibly helpful in your English writing. However, it is not advisable to completely rely upon them as they may also become a cause of the errors. If you want to improve your writing skills or learn English language then join any English speaking classes in Mumbai India and grow in your career.

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