5 Jobs In Diverse Industries That Require French Speaking Skills

In this competitive world, knowledge of more than one foreign language?? is a fundamental skill for working. Obviously, it helps boost one’s confidence, sharpens memory, broaden career opportunities, and provides deeper knowledge of the culture of other people. Language is a medium or tool that humans use to connect with others.

There are various foreign languages in the world that are offering better career opportunities in diverse industries. French is one of them which is being used worldwide.

For many, learning French is profitable as it is one of the official languages ??of the European Union and maintains a strong weight in institutional and diplomatic contexts: Community and international documents, including those of the United Nations, are drawn up in French. It is often forgotten that French is the second most widespread language in Europe (12% of Europeans speak it, second only to English, spoken by 38% of EU citizens).

In addition, French is spoken by as many as 290 million people in more than 50 countries including Canada, Morocco, and Senegal. France is also a country bordering Italy and the commercial exchanges between the two national realities are quite intense (more than 200 million euros of daily economic exchanges). Furthermore, around 100 French business groups operate in Italy, creating nearly 240,000 jobs.

Thus, various other companies find professionals who speak the French language. In India, there are various career opportunities for French speakers. So, if you want to do a high-paying job then join the best French Institute in Mumbai who offers advanced French language courses in Mumbai.

Here are five interesting job roles that one could choose from after skilling up by attending online French language classes in Mumbai.

1. Brand Specialist

Industry: Technology (Google)

Getting a job at Google is the dream of many people. You can make your way to Google easier

with your French-speaking skills. Google hires many professionals for the Brand Specialists role. Basically, brand specialists work with customers to serve the ongoing product improvements of Google.

2. Translator (Written) And Interpreter (Oral)

The translator works for the most part on legal and financial documents (contracts, balance sheets, annual reports, etc.), technical and scientific (patents, user manuals, articles, etc.), commercial (advertising, letters, etc.), audiovisual (DVD, internet, subtitle…), or more rarely on novels. The interpreter translates the speech of a foreign speaker. He/she interprets, that is to say, he/she understands and reproduces the idea with the same intensity and the same intention, without translating word for word.

As a translator (Written) and interpreter (Oral), you can work for various places. What’s more, the employment of interpreters and translators is likely to grow to 20% over the next ten years – much faster than the average for all occupations.

3. Teacher, Private Tutor or Online Tutor

Industry- Education

What’s more satisfying than sharing your passion for the French language ??with other people. The teaching profession can be carried out in India or abroad and in both public and private institutions: in any case, it is necessary to have a decent level of certification, with the addition of a teaching qualification.

4. Tourism

Industry- Hospitality

When we talk about tourism, the opportunities that present themselves to a polyglot are innumerable. It is well known that India is a country that attracts millions of visitors every year from all parts of the world; this requires many operators and one of the professionals with the greatest demand is the tourist guide. This type of occupation has evolved a lot over the years, becoming more and more a highly specialized job. It is enough to observe in the main cities of art the numerous groups of foreign tourists, especially Europeans, who rely on guided tours to visit museums, archaeological excavations, and places of great artistic and landscape interest. Knowing Spanish helps you assist tourists from France in a well-manner.

5. Work For The Immigration / Custom Services

In India, these days, foreign language speakers are getting huge salaries. Right from the embassy, customer service centers to government agencies, there are huge opportunities for French speakers. With your French skills, you can easily get a high-paying job in these departments.


Well, attend French classes in Mumbai and learn French in Mumbai to increase the chances of getting a job in these discussed above sectors. With this skill, you can also make your visit to French-speaking countries cost-effective and memorable.
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