5 Tips To Improve Your Spanish Grammar And Writing In Spanish

Improving your Spanish grammar and vocabulary is an essential part of learning the language. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you look at all the rules, exceptions, verb conjugations, and declensions. The truth is that it takes time. How to improve Spanish grammar? Start with what you already know or attend Spanish classes in Pune and learn Spanish in Pune. Moreover, English and Spanish share similar grammar roots, then learning how to speak Spanish like a native speaker will be much easier for you if you have knowledge of English grammar and can easily make sentences in English.

Learning Spanish grammar means learning a series of rules to be able to use the language. Yes. But this does not mean that you cannot appropriate Spanish and make it your own until you feel comfortable speaking it. And how to do this? Well, we’ll tell you below.

1. Learn Typical Phrases- You can look for fixed phrases of the most difficult topics, make a phrase with them and memorize them. You can also write them in your notebook and learn in your spare time.

For example:

Ser/Estar: To be free/busy/ready/rich.

Being possible/impossible/good/bad.

By/for: To sleep well/for Monday/for me.

Because of- I work for two weeks, I live by the park.

2. Learn In Context- You can write a draft in Spanish about yourself using a topic that is most difficult for you. You can write about what are your plans for the future using the subjunctive and what you did yesterday in the simple past using as many irregular verbs as possible. The objective here is that you identify yourself when using Spanish and personalize it.

For Example:

Por/Para: Because of my bad grades in math I have to study a lot to pass the final exam (here we see the opposition of por = because of; for = with the aim of).

The imperfect: When I was little, I went to my grandmother’s house every afternoon. I would tell her stories about her and learn Spanish with her (here you use all forms of verbs in the imperfect: the irregular ser / ir, a verb in -ar, and a verb in -er).

3. Record Yourself- It is one of the best ways to have a strong grasp over Spanish grammar. You can record yourself, compare your pronunciation, and can even correct yourself. This tip is very funny because it is always strange for you to hear your own voice and much more so if it is in another language. It is a good method because in addition to correcting yourself, you also realize how you spoke a few months ago and how you do now. It will motivate you to see how much you have improved.

4. Passive Listening– Listening to the radio, podcast, or a series in Spanish, even passively, is very important to learn grammar and pronunciation as well. They have to be original materials without adapting. The best way to improve your grammar and Spanish language in this way is to create a habit, such as turning on the radio in the morning.

5. Read Newspaper / Blog Articles and Underline the Verbs- It is good to read, but if you want to improve your Spanish, you must read actively. In this case, look for topics that interest you and read the articles you find, paying close attention to verbs and the uses of tenses. Some useful sources that you can use are CNN and BBC World in Spanish.

6. Attend Spanish Classes- If you want to learn complete grammar then you can attend Spanish language classes in Mumbai or learn through Spanish language courses in Mumbai. The language learning institute offers specific work programs for each student based on their needs and goals with Spanish. With online Spanish classes in Mumbai, you can improve your oral communication much faster and you can also solve your doubts about the Spanish language.


Grammar is an important part of learning any foreign language. If you want to strengthen your grip on a foreign language, you must first learn the grammar of that language. Do you want to learn advanced Spanish? Join the Spanish institute in Mumbai and learn Spanish in Mumbai for a better learning experience.

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